Be Ready for Anything: The Supply Teachers Go Bag Essentials

Supply teaching can be both rewarding and challenging. You never know where you’ll be, what key stage you’ll teach, or what materials will be available in the classroom. To thrive in this dynamic role, it’s essential to be prepared for any situation that may arise. One way to ensure you’re ready for the unexpected is by having a well-stocked go bag. In this blog, we’ll explore the items you should include in your supply teacher’s go bag to help you excel in your role and make each day a little easier.

Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is crucial, especially when you’re constantly on the move and engaging with pupils. A reusable water bottle like will keep you refreshed throughout the day, ensuring you have the energy to teach effectively.

Travel Mug – Coffee on the Go

For those early mornings and long days, a travel mug for your favourite coffee or tea is a must. It’s your secret weapon for maintaining energy and focus when you need it most.


Comfortable footwear is vital when you’re covering PE. Keep a pair of pumps or trainers in your go bag to ensure your feet stay comfortable and follows health and safety.

PE Jacket/Jumper for Outdoors

You never know when you might be called upon to supervise outdoor activities or break times. Having a lightweight PE jacket or jumper can help you stay comfortable in changing weather conditions.

DBS/Photo ID

Your Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate and photo ID are essential for gaining access to school premises. Ensure they’re always in your go bag, so you’re ready to present them when needed.

Pen/Pencils/Pencil Case

A good supply of writing utensils and a pencil case can be a lifesaver, especially in schools where pens and pencils tend to go missing. You’ll always have the tools you need to write, take notes, or help students with their work.


A notepad is an invaluable tool for jotting down important information, making to-do lists, or leaving notes for the class teacher about your day. It’s a great way to keep track of what worked well and what needs improvement for future reference.

Whiteboard Pen and Cloth

Many classrooms have whiteboards, and having your whiteboard pen and cloth ensures you can quickly write instructions or notes on the board without searching for supplies. Plus, you can erase, and rewrite as needed.

Ready-to-Go Lunch

Supply teaching often means limited breaks and unpredictable schedules. Pack a lunch that’s easy to eat on the go, such as cereal bars or a pot noodle. This way, you won’t have to worry about finding food during a busy day. Being a supply teacher can be an exciting and fulfilling role, but it also requires adaptability and preparedness. By keeping a well-stocked go bag with essential items like water, coffee, comfortable shoes, and necessary teaching materials, you’ll be ready to tackle any classroom challenge that comes your way. Stay organised and stay flexible, and you’ll excel in your role as a supply teacher while making a positive impact on the students you encounter

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