Social Media Guidelines for Professionals in Education

Social media has become an integral aspect of daily life for many, including those in the education sector. However, it’s crucial for educators to comprehend the impact of their social media presence on both their personal and professional lives. This article aims to offer valuable insights on configuring social media profiles to safeguard oneself, along with guidance on managing unexpected contact from pupils, parents, and others.

Prior to embarking on a career involving children, it is advisable to review and adjust privacy settings on social media platforms. Consider what information is accessible to potential employers, colleagues, pupils, and parents. Assess the suitability of content shared and modify settings accordingly. SWGfL provides a comprehensive checklist covering popular platforms to aid in this process.

Addressing Contact from Pupils or Parents on Social Media:

Navigating connections with parents on social media can pose challenges, particularly if pre-existing friendships exist before joining a school. Each institution typically has its own policy regarding social media usage, which should be thoroughly understood and adhered to. While working on temporary assignments, it is advisable to refrain from adding parents on social media to minimize potential safeguarding concerns.

Establishing online connections with pupils or allowing them to follow personal accounts is strongly discouraged. Maintaining a professional distance is essential, and any form of interaction via social media platforms can blur boundaries, potentially leading to safeguarding issues.

Ensuring Privacy and Managing Online Presence:

While it’s impossible to guarantee complete invisibility online, there are measures to make locating you more challenging for pupils and parents. Adjusting settings to private, altering online aliases, and using non-identifying profile pictures can enhance privacy. Awareness of potential online presence, even if inactive on social media, is essential, as information shared by family and friends can still contribute to visibility.

Addressing concerns about Social Media Usage:

This would depend on what your concern is, if you need further advice about how to set up your platforms then we would recommend speaking with your consultant at your agency for more information or if you are working at a school to ask for advice there. It could be that your concern is about a colleague’s use of social media and that you feel professional boundaries are being blurred. If this is the case, you can speak to the individual or report your concern to the designated safeguarding lead at the school.

If you feel you require more advice or information about your concern, you can contact UK Safer Internet for independent advice.

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